25+ years of Experience


Expanded Support Services

Our support plans are tailored carefully to help meets these aims and we work collaboratively with your community, local authority and NHS support network to deliver the best possible experience we can for you.

Our Support Services will;

  • Help you, or your loved one, lead a full and purposeful life in your community
  • Enable you to have as much control over the support you receive as possible
  • Give you, or your loved one and wider family, options over how we can assist with where and how you live
  • Help you experience life from social activities, leisure activities or learning new skills and hobbies

work process

How We Work

At Pre Care Services Ltd, our approach to care is centered around individuality, open communication, and unwavering dedication. We meticulously craft personalized care plans based on comprehensive assessments, ensuring that each resident receives tailored support.

Make appointment

dical services required on the spot e.g. for medical

Chose Nurse

dical services required on the spot e.g. for medical

Get Solution

dical services required on the spot e.g. for medical


Learning Disability Support

At Pre Care Services Ltd, we provide a comprehensive range of nursing and residential care services tailored to individual needs. Our services encompass quality healthcare support for various conditions, ensuring a personalized approach that guarantees the well-being and comfort of our residents.

In cases with more complex healthcare needs, our team of registered nurses is equipped to deliver a comprehensive range of general and specialist nursing care. Whether managing chronic conditions or providing specialized medical interventions, our registered nurses are dedicated to delivering high-quality healthcare tailored to your individual health requirements.

Our focus is on empowering individuals by offering a spectrum of care options that align with their preferences and unique circumstances. We believe in creating an environment where individuals feel comfortable, respected, and supported while receiving the assistance they need.

Recognizing that each resident is unique, we develop personalized care plans to address their specific requirements. Our person-centered approach involves thorough assessments, regular communication with residents and their families, and a commitment to adapt our services as needs evolve. This ensures that every individual receives the attention and care necessary for their well-being.